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2-category 2-category-theory abelian-categories adjoint algebra algebraic algebraic-geometry algebraic-topology analysis analytic-geometry arithmetic arithmetic-geometry book bundles calculus categorical categories category category-theory chern-weil-theory cohesion cohesive-homotopy-type-theory cohomology colimits combinatorics complex complex-geometry computable-mathematics computer-science constructive cosmology definitions deformation-theory descent diagrams differential differential-cohomology differential-equations differential-geometry digraphs duality elliptic-cohomology enriched fibration foundation foundations functional-analysis functor gauge-theory gebra geometric-quantization geometry graph graphs gravity grothendieck group group-theory harmonic-analysis higher higher-algebra higher-category-theory higher-differential-geometry higher-geometry higher-lie-theory higher-topos-theory homological homological-algebra homotopy homotopy-theory homotopy-type-theory index-theory integration integration-theory k-theory lie-theory limits linear linear-algebra locale localization logic mathematics measure-theory modal modal-logic model model-category-theory monad monads monoidal monoidal-category-theory morphism motives motivic-cohomology nlab noncommutative noncommutative-geometry number-theory object of operads operator operator-algebra order-theory pages pasting philosophy physics pro-object probability probability-theory quantization quantum quantum-field quantum-field-theory quantum-mechanics quantum-physics quantum-theory question representation representation-theory riemannian-geometry scheme schemes set set-theory sheaf simplicial space spin-geometry stable-homotopy-theory stack string string-theory superalgebra supergeometry svg symplectic-geometry synthetic-differential-geometry terminology theory topology topos topos-theory tqft type type-theory universal variational-calculus

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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2021

    brief category:people-entry for hyperlinking references at group cohomology etc.

    v1, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorDmitri Pavlov
    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2021

    It’s good to keep in mind that there are certain issues with these books:

    From a MathSciNet review of one of Karpilovsky’s books by Roderick Gow.

    The author of the work under review has become noteworthy in the mathematical community for the remarkable number of research-level books on ring theory, field theory and representation theory of finite groups that he has produced since 1985. In Mathematical Reviews, three of his books were reviewed in 1988, three in 1990, four in 1992, and one in 1993. Some reviewers have drawn attention to certain tendencies apparent in these books, among which we may mention inclusion of large parts of the author’s previous books in his later books, rather faithful reproduction of recent research papers of other authors with only trivial changes of notation and wording, and unnecessarily large numbers of typographical errors. In reviewing this volume, which is part of a multi-volume work on the representation theory of finite groups, we have been greatly struck by the extent to which the three tendencies described above are again apparent and our evaluation of the work has been largely determined by their negative influence.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeAug 30th 2021

    I see. All right.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeAug 31st 2021

    My memory from about 20 years ago is that the treatment of non-abelian cohomology was indeed quite faithful to the original MacLane’s papers with coauthors in late 1940s where I myself learned the “Schreier’s theory” of nonabeian extensions. I wrote a partial generalization to Hopf algebras in 1997 which was never finished nor published but it is almost literal extension to certain version of the notion of extensions of Hopf algebras by Hopf algebras, which I considered natural at the time.