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Changes made only to the Universal property of the 2-category of spans section. The citations by Urs lead to another citation which, in turn, leads to another citation. With a little effort, I tracked down the a full copy of said universal property, I’ve replicated it here, added the citation used, although I left the previous citations there for convenience; a more experienced editor can remove those if they would like.
I would like to note that the author whose work I have referenced, Hermida, also notes: “[this universal property] is folklore although we know no references for it.”
Please make any corrections needed and clean up the language here; this is a fairly direct copy of what is written, but I imagine somebody with more knowledge of all the language used here can rewrite this universal property stuff in a cleaner way.
I have touched the formatting a little (here).
Where the factorization of functors is mentioned, I have added “such functors” and “F as above” to make sure it’s unambiguous.
The citation by Hermida I moved up to before Pronk et al. and I added the DOI link.
Might it make sense to keep some reference from the text to Dawson, Paré & Pronk? (This is a genuine question, as I would have to remind myself on what it is they are saying.)
Added link to closed bicategory.
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