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While it’s quiet with the nLab being migrated, allow me to post a job advertisement, in case it’s of interest to anyone reading here:
Our newly launched
Center for Quantum and Topological Systems (CQTS)
at New York University, Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
is now announcing 6 postdoc/researcher positions
in various interrelated research areas, including the following:
Topological Quantum Field Theory
Topological Quantum Computing
Topological Phases of Matter
Topology in Condensed Matter Theory
Quantum Materials
Quantum Error Correction
Topological Data Analysis
Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Cryptography
(Homotopy) Type Theory
Functional Quantum Programming
Quantum Circuit Simulations and Validation
Candidates do not have to already be specializing in the above areas. The researchers will work on projects aligned with the vision of the center, supervised by senior members of the group, Hisham Sati and Urs Schreiber.
The appointment will be for a period of two years, and extensions to longer terms are possible upon review.
The terms of employment include very competitive salary with additional attractive benefits, including generous housing allowance, medical insurance with access to world class facilities, annual home leave allowance, and (if applicable) dependent private school fees. Salaries are tax-free in the UAE (for US tax, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion can be used).
The researchers will have dedicated funds for traveling, computing, publications, etc. and will have access to excellent world-class research facilities.
The preferred starting date is August/Sep. 2022, but earlier dates are also possible. Review of applications will start on January 15, 2022, and will continue until the positions are filled.
To apply:
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