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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorAndrew Stacey
    • CommentTimeJun 1st 2010

    “Huh?” I hear you say, “I’ve been using them for ages.”.

    Not quite. What you’ve been using were the beta release. Actually, you were supposed to stop using those in December and await the imminent release of the official version. More actually, you probably weren’t supposed to be using them at all - those of us who weren’t registered as beta testers!

    But not any longer! The STIX project has at last released them into the wild. It’s likely that there are only a few changes from the beta test (I think that there’s documentation of what those are), but what may be most significant about this is that if your university (or other) doesn’t like installing “beta” software then they have no excuse for not installing the STIX fonts.

    Also, even if you don’t much like the STIX fonts, it’s still better than all those silly boxes. So having the STIX fonts as backup means that you can have your preferred font where it is available, and the STIX fonts when not.

    So, everyone should download and install the real STIX fonts. On my linux system, I did the following:

    1. Went to <>
    2. Clicked on the word “Full download”
    3. Agreed to sell the rights to all my papers to the AMS.[1]
    4. Saved the resulting file.
    5. Lost the resulting file.
    6. Found it hiding in the corner of my office.[2]
    7. Cleared out the old STIX fonts from ~/.fonts. If that directory doesn’t exist on your system, create it with mkdir ~/.fonts.
    8. Unzipped the new STIX fonts somewhere appropriate. On my system, I put them in ~/local/share (the zip package has its own top directory) but it’s not really important.
    9. Copied the files from STIXv1.0.0/Fonts/ into ~/.fonts
    10. So far as I’m aware, that’s it!

    [1] Seriously, I did read the license, and it looks pretty good. In particular, at first glance it seems that we can use it in font-face directives.

    [2] Sorry.