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In Cisinski’s book, I’m having trouble understanding what Lemma 1.1.6a is saying, because he refers to the different faces of the cube as lateral, horizontal, horizontal superieur, horizontal inferieur, oblique, etc.
Could someone who knows what it’s supposed to say, that is, translate the statement of part a.) and the proof (only a paragraph long)?
I’d type it out, but the diagram is necessary.
here’s a crack - my French is terrible:
Let C be a category admitting inductive limits, and F a class of arrows of C
a)If the class F is stable under direct images, for every commutative diagram,
if the horizontal faces are cocartesian [i.e. pushouts], if the arrow k:X1⨿X0Y0→Y1 is in F, then so is l:X⨿X2Y2→Y.
Proof: We start by forming the following commutative diagram
The upper horizontal square, (as well as?) the two lateral squares of the cube are cocartesian, and then so is the lower horizontal square. The oblique square is also cocartesian, and then so is the face of the prism (not sure about that last clause)
to be continued… Or someone else can do a better job :)
Which squares are horizontal? The front and back ones, or the front, back, top, and bottom ones? Also, which square is oblique, and which ones are lateral?
Edit: Nevermind. I’ve got it.
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