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Let be two functors commuting with small colimits, and let be a natural transformation between them.
Then according to Cisinski’s book Astérisque 308 Corollaire 1.1.8, the natural transformation induces a functor that commutes with small colimits as well. That’s it. That’s the only information he gives about . I assume that it’s trivial because he doesn’t go into more detail, but I have no idea what it should be.
If I had to guess, and this is very speculative, I would say that for in , we can look at the diagram induced by , that is, the diagram defined by and take
the induced map to the colimit.
The natural transformation induces a functor (switching to his notation, C replaced by C’ and D replaced by C) - this is standard and trivial. I wonder if it is a typo?… It is a typo, because by the following paragraph, he refers to , using the notation of the corollary this is a class of arrows in , hence is a functor from to . The only potentially tricky bit is showing that commutes with inductive limits. I leave it as an exercise.
Ah, so it was a typo!
Hmm… Then in Proposition 1.1.7, how is an endofunctor of ? It’s sending arrows in to objects in . Rather, it seems like a functor , which is not an endofunctor. Is this also a mistake, or am I missing the point…
(Comment deleted.)
Alright, I’ve concluded that calling it an endofunctor is incorrect. If it is a functor Arr(Arr(C))->Arr(C), this makes sense with the proof, since it turns a retract of squares into a retract of arrows, and it preserves identities blah blah.
Hmm… indeed!
Alright, I e-mailed Cisinski about the errors. I’m probably the first person who didn’t skip through this section.
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