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added to connected topos in the Examples-section the statement that the sheaf topos on CartSp (that which contains the quasi-topos of diffeological spaces) is connected.
I guess the proof that Sh(CartSp) is locally connected is easy?
Yes: for every sheaf topos with the property that constant presheaves are already sheaves, the left adjoint of the constant presheaf functor is also the left adjoint of the constant sheaf functor
Write L for sheafification, then:
HomSh(C)(X,LConstS)≃HomPSh(C)(X,LConstS)≃HomPSh(C)(X,ConstS)≃HomSet(lim→X,S)So Π0:=lim→ is the required left adjoint, whenever constant preshaves are sheaves. And this is clearly the case on CartSp, because all Cartesian spaces are connected (or alternatively: because all discrete topological spaces are uniquely diffeological spaces).
And to see that the the left adjoint Π0=lim→:Sh(CartSp)→Set to LConst:Set→Sh(CartSp) indeed sends every diffeological space to its set of connected components:
write the colim lim→X as the colimit of the diagram constant on the point of shape the comma catgegory y/X with y the Yoneda embedding. So the category of elements of X. This category has exactly one connected component per “plot-connected component” of X, since
y/X={y(U)→y(V)↘↙X}.So Π0X=lim→X is the set of plot-connetced components of the diffeological space X.
Cool, thanks.
I like it, too. Of course it may not look like too deep a statement, but it is the tip of an iceberg: indeed I ran into the analog first for the (oo,1)-topos on CartSp.
I am currently typing out more expositional notes on this here.
Okay, I made this a section at diffeological space: Connectedness
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