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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2022

    It is high time that we put the donated funds to use for securing the physical existence of the nLab installation.

    We still need to urgently migrate the installation to a new server (the one we are running on had been sunsetted already ~2 years ago) and then we need to possibly hire a sysadmin to take care of the day-to-day operation of software and server.

    For these and related IT tasks, we need a body of technical experts who can make informed decisions about how to use the donated funds for the purpose of guaranteeing the hardware & software existence of the nlab, such that the Topos Institute – which is kindly administering our funds for us – can rely on their expressed decision when paying bills for us.

    For this purpose has now been created a body called the nLab technical board.

    The founding members of the technical board currently are:

    Adeel, Felix and Mike are currently the three persons who have the password to the nLab server, know what it takes to do there and have been doing it and are doing it. They are the ones keeping the nLab in physical existence at the moment.

    You all know Mike, he is in particular the one founding member of the nLab community who is IT-savvy enough to serve on such a board.

    Adeel, to recall, is our pre-previous admin who two weeks ago suddenly jumped in and revived our running installation by pointing the DNS server back to it.

    Felix had migrated the nLab to a secure server already a year ago, but then we didn’t go live with it as we still trusted somebody else would do this (and now that server has been decommissioned, unfortunately). Incidentally, a week ago Felix figured out what it was that kept the nLab running slow – turns out it was a broken backup mechanism that apparently broke back in 2018. He fixed it right away. The nLab is much more responsive now, you will notice when you do editing. And it’s again being automatically backed up now.

    These three kindly agreed to help us out by lending their names to the “nLab technical board” and by taking care of organizing the next steps that need to be taken with the nLab’s installation and authorizing required payments.

    In fact, since a few days ago, a further volunteer has kindly joined in and started helping with detecting problems in the current installation.

    Similarly, if you are a technical expert on the required IT issues and would like to lend a hand with keeping the nLab installation alive and well, then please drop a note, either here or directly to one of the technical board members. (You don’t have to become a formal member of the “technical board”.)

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorEric
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2022

    As an early nLab contributor and huge fan, I’d be happy to be included in the technical group and help contribute if any issues come up.

    My email is

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2022

    Thanks, for offering help. I checked with the board members, and apparently they are looking to bringing the installation into a state where it could be run on a personal computer, at which point they would make a list of issues that volunteers could do debugging on in their personal installation.