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A discussion of the cartesian closed monoidal structure on an (oo,1)-topos is currently missing on the nLab.
I started making a first step in the direction of including it:
at model structure on simplicial presheaves I added a section Closed monoidal structure with a pointer to Toen’s lectures (where the following is an exercise) and a statement and proof of how is a monoidal model category by the Cartesian product.
as a lemma for that I added to Quillen bifunctor the statement that on cofib generated model cats a Quillen bifunctor property is checked already on generating cofibrations (here).
More later…
a little more:
added to Quillen adjunction in the section For sSet-adjunctions the powerful lemma that for an sSet-adjunction between simplicial model categories into a left proper one to be Quillen it is sufficient that the left adjoint preserves cofibrations and the right adjoint just fibrant objects;
used this to add at model structure on simplicial presheaves in the section Closed monoidal structure the proof of the statement that for cofibrant the adjunction is Quillen on the Cech-localization of the projective model structure.
… and finally used this to prove that on a site with products and geometrically contractible objects the path oo-groupoid functor preserves products.
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