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In another thread I came up with a definition of a local isomorphism in a site, working from the definition of a local homeomorphism/diffeomorphism in Top/Diff respectively (with the open cover pretopology in both cases). Then I find that there is a page local isomorphism talking about maps in presheaf categories: such a map is a local isomorphism if becomes an isomorphism on applying the sheafification functor . To quote my definition again
Definition: Let (C,J) be a site (J a pretopology). A map is a J-local isomorphism if there are covering families and such that for each the restriction is an isomorphism onto some .
I don’t claim, in the time I have available, to understand the implications of the definition at local isomorphism. I just wonder how it relates to concrete notions like local homeomorphisms (let us work with Top and open covers as covering families). Is a local homeomorphism, after applying Yoneda, a local isomorphism? Does a local isomorphism in the image of Yoneda come from a local homeomorphism? I suspect the answer is yes. Now for the biggie: can a local isomorphism be characterised in terms as basic as my definition as quoted? With my definition one avoids dealing with functor categories (and so size issues, to some extent: is very big), so if they are equivalent, I’d like to put this somewhere.
Obviously we can take the site in my definition to be a presheaf category with the canonical pretopology or something, and potentially recover the definition at local isomorphism, but for the ease of connecting with geometric ideas, I prefer something simpler.
Any thoughts?
This is to alert Urs the last question of #1 is directed at him :)
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