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As you may have overheard me say a few times in the last months, I had been invited to present the nLab via an online meeting titled
taking place May 21-22 (so starting ~tomorrow).
I have tried to prepare an nLab scroll-through page in lieu of pdf slides, which now overwrites my previous page with this title:
(This is for a 20 min time slot.)
There is plenty of room to polish this futher, but maybe it will do.
I may put some finishing touches tomorrow morning, but Ill also be busy with another urgent task.
How did it go? How was the conference generally, if I may ask?
One question I got was whether the nLab cares about being cited. After some back and forth this led us to the destruction of the library of Alexandria, the idea to carve nLab entries into granite… and thus all the way back to the opening quote by Polanyi.
One member of my audience became a contributor during my talk (here).
I attended the first day only. The talks were fun. Mostly not about “big data” in the technical sense, but more like “mathematical activity on the web”, just like my talk. (I mentioned over coffee that the first reaction which my talk announcement received on Twitter was something like “I don’t believe in big data and mathematics”. Maybe other conference titles might have worked as well.)
Anyways, I hope I presented the nLab decently. I am glad that this event came and prodded me to boost the “What is the nLab”-page to what it is now.
Maybe I’m not processing the available information adequately. In any case, is there a direct link to a video of your talk and your interaction with the audience? Thanks.
The talks at the meeting were not being recorded. When I asked about it, the organizer said this was a deliberate choice in order to keep the discussions informal and hence, hopefully, more fruitful.
But I gather anyone who wanted to join into the live zoom chat could do so by sending a simple registration request from the conference’s home page.
Fine, except for people who needed to sleep at the time. :-)
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