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Added to T-duality a section with the discussion of the usual path-integral heuristics for why the two sigma-models on T-dual backgrounds yield equivalent quantum field theories.
Dear Urs,
the path integral heuristics behind path-integral sigma-models T-duality should actually be simpler (at least at the level of the naive idea). Namely, everything boils down to saying that the 2-torus obtained by opposite sides identification of [0,1]×[0,T] and the one obtained by opposite sides identification of [0,1]×[0,1/T] (both with the standard flat metric obtained by restriction from ℝ2) are conformally equivalent.
A way of seeing this is to recall that up to conformal equivalence a 2-torus can be seen as a parallelogram in ℂ=ℝ2 with a vertex in 0, a vertex in 1 and the other vertex in τ∈ℍ, where ℍ denotes the upper half-plane. The torus of parameter τ and the one of parameter τ′ are conformally equivalent iff
(abcd)in SL(2;ℤ). The two parameters iT and i/T are related by the matrix
S=(0−110)True, but I do not quite see how you’d derive T-duality of the target space this way.
Also, one point of the computation I posted is that it also applies to the open string and shows the action of T-duality on D-branes.
Right, I misunderstood what you were referring to. now I see that what I wrote could have something to do with what you were saying, but at the moment I could not say exactly what.. :)
I think you are certainly right that the basic mechanism underlying T-duality is at least morally that of the S-transformation on a torus. But I don’t quite see how one can upgrade this observation to a proof that two T-dual backgrounds give equivalent sigma-model QFTs. Possibly there is a way, though.
Correcting some typos at T-duality, I don’t know how to fix
A quick way to get an indication for this is to notice that the center-of-mass energy of the string in such a circle-bundle background is In terms of the worldsheet theory.
Thanks for catching this. Not sure what happened there. I have changed the sentence to
A quick way to get an indication for this is to consider the center-of-mass energy of the string in such a circle-bundle background.
added pointer to today’s
Added a new reference
added pointer to:
adding reference
added pointer to today’s preprint (replacement)
and grouped together all the reference on super-space T-duality
A propos, we now keep here a streamlined account of the computations of super-space T-duality (for anyone who found the original article hard to read).
… and here is now a further expanded discussion.
Just to note that you have two articles as [GSS24d] in the references.
Thanks for spotting. Fixed now.
dimentions; homotpy; Poincaé
The prefactors of 1/2 in (22) is not fixed
should be ’prefactor’.
Does the ’M theory from the superpoint’ account carry over to this setting?
Thanks for catching typos. Fixed now.
The discussion in "M-theory from the superpoint" is on the same general theme as the super-space T-duality, in that both are concerned with the typical super-tangent spaces (the Kleinian local model space) only, and yet discover much of the general expected structure.
The IIA dual in Definition 3.42 in 2411.10260, is that supposed to be the IIA* string theory in signature 1+9 mentioned in hep-th/9807127?
That’s a good point. Maybe we should use that notation.
I see. And to obtain such a dual, was it necessary to go all the way to the superpoint, or does one obtain the same by going to ℝ1,1? If the latter, can one obtain the 5+5 IIA one by going to ℝ5,1 (all super Minkowski with appropriate supercharges, of course)?
The observation of the article is diagram (10) on p 9, showing that there is a curious kind of lift of T-duality to M-theory for the case of T-duality along all 1+9 spacetime directions.
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