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Suppose C is a category that admits small coproducts.
Given simplicial objects A,B∈CΔop, their function complex is a simplicial set
Hom(A,B)whose set of n-simplices is the set of maps
Δn⊗A→B,where ⊗ denotes the copowering of simplicial objects over simplicial sets given by
(C⊗D)n=∐i∈CnDn.The original definition of a function complex in the generality stated above is due to Daniel M. Kan:
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Looking over the entry now, I have adjusted the previous notation a little in order to avoid a couple of clashes:
the notation “Hom” for the simplicial hom-complex I have replaced with “HomΔ”
the letter “C” used to denote both the ambient category as well as a simplicial set tensor factor. I have changed to writing “𝒞” for the former and “S” for the latter.
Also expanded the presentation just a little.
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