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I like the nPOV that regards ordinary cohomology as the derived hom space in the -topos of simplicial sheaves over .
How about a generalized (Eilenberg-Steenrod) cohomology , which includes topological K-theory, elliptic cohomology and cobordism cohomology theory.. etc? Can one find a suitable category such that all such satisfies
for some -object ?
If not, is it true that any such is at least the limit of some spectral sequence of ordinary sheaf cohomology?
That’s the Brown representability theorem: Whitehead-generalized cohomology theories are those whose classifying spaces are (stages of) spectra.
So this doesn’t even need sheaves yet. If one does add sheaves to this picture, one gets Whitehead-generalized differential cohomology theories (differential K-theory, etc.)
Some survey of this and related facts in the hom-space perspective on cohomology is in Section 2 (pp. 9) of The Character Map in Twisted Non-Abelian Cohomology
Thanks for your comment, Urs. I understand that is a representable functor by, say, . But by “doesn’t even need sheaves yet” do you mean that it automatically gives a sheaf-theoretic description, perhaps by looking at the sheaf ?
Let’s introduce some notation to make this clearer:
one means the bare homotopy type of the classifying space for complex K-theory.
So for any topological space with its underlying homotopy type, we have that the K-theory of is (the homotopy type of) the mapping space (I am using notation as on pp. 37 of arXiv:2008.01101 and pp. 6 in arXiv:2112.13654):
No sheaves so far. And this generalizes: For every Whitehead-generalized cohomology theory there is a spectrum such that (assume is compact, if you like)
No sheaves have been invoked anywhere yet. This all happens in the classical homotopy category.
But now assume that is equipped with the structure of a smooth manifold. This canonically makes it an object in the cohesive -topos
The shape modality
still remembers the underlying bare homotopy type of , but is much richer now.
In particular, there exists a sheaf of spectra whose shape, in turn, is still the plain classifying homotopy type from above
but which represents differential K-theory in that
Here on the right we have the shape of the mapping stack, equivalently the -categorical hom-space of smooth -groupoids.
More generally, for every spectrum one may find a sheaf of spectra such that
is a corresponding differential cohomology.
Finally, to actually answer your last question: The plain cohomology is still available in the differential context:
Here the term in the middle may be understood as forming the sheaf hypercohomology of with coefficients in the locally constant -stack .
For more on all this see also the differential cohomology hexagon.
For a quick but complete account of the actual technical details see pp. 106 and then pp. 65 in arXiv:2009.11909.
(Of course all this is also in dcct (schreiber), but the above references are more polished.)
I appreciate for your thorough answer. I am one step closer to understand (the point of) cohesion.
From the answer I could sense two possible generalizations, which you must know if true.
Does any Whitehead-generalized cohomology theory has a differential version (i.e. a corresponding sheaf of spectra in ?
The ordinary cohomology theory and the K-theory extend to their differential versions from to . In the previous sentence, what are all of the other known variations of for the (generalized) cohomology theories to extend? It would be fantastic if it is true for any local model [1] that is reasonable enough.
[1] By a local model I mean something like the topological (corresponding to topological theories) and the smooth (corresponding to differential theories).
- Does any Whitehead-generalized cohomology theory has a differential version (i.e. a corresponding sheaf of spectra in ?
Oh yes, all of them do. Under mild conditions there is a canonical such, in general there are many. Lecture notes include Section 4 “Differential extensions of generalized cohomology theories” (pp. 71) in Uli Bunke’s arXiv:1208.3961.
In the previous sentence, what are all of the other known variations of SmoothGrpd ∞SmoothGrpd_{\infty} for the (generalized) cohomology theories to extend?
Here I am not sure if I understand what you have in mind. Do you mean differential cohomology in -toposes other than that of smooth -groupoids? In that case, one answer is:
Yes, this holds whenever there is an analog of the Poincaré-lemma/de Rham theorem. Namely, this enters in constructing a differential cohomology theory in “Hopkins-Singer style” (referring to Hopkins and Singer 2005, which started the topic) as a homotopy fiber product of a bare spectrum (over its Chern-Dold character) with the sheaf of de Rham complexes valued in a chain complex model for the real-ification of the spectrum (e.g. Example 4.29 on p. 68 here).
For example, one can use complex analytic ∞-groupoids. The differential Whitehead-generalized cohomology theories in this case were discussed already in Quick & Hopkins arXiv:1212.2173.
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