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What I am really after, for the moment, is whether the idea that is visible in equation (3) of
has been picked up and developed elsewhere: Essentially two types of anyons, the first type with a fixed pairwise braiding phase, and then another braiding phase when the first type braids around the second.
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I am deleting this reference:
because now that I looked at it more closely, I can’t make sense of it.
(Culminating around its equation (25), this article argues that the FQH Laughlin wavefunction follows from the integer one by demanding that it picks up phases . But is an odd integer, so that and the argument is void. Generally, the conceptual problem seems to be that the author is (trying to) think of the electrons in the Laughlin state as abelian anyons, while instead it’s the “quasi-holes/particles” in the electron fluid which are anyonic.)
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(also at fractional quantum Hall effect)
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