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Explained more generaly the construction of the symmetric algebra in a CMon-enriched symmetric monoidal category.
Added that permutations σ:A⊗n→A⊗ are defined in the entry symmetric monoidal category
added pointer to
Should SnV be defined as the cokernel of the symmetrisation map? That’s quite a strange definition which I don’t think it correct. Even in char 0 and in the vector space case, when n=1, the coequalizer is 0 and when n=2, the resulting elements are anti-symmetric. Am I missing something?
I think it’s correct to define it as the coequalizer of the Sn-action.
Thanks for the alert. The first “cokernel” here (which originates way back in revision 1) is probably a typo for “image”, meaning to refer to the standard construction laid out for instance here: pdf (p. 27).
I’ll make a quick fix to the entry now, but won’t be doing it justice (since I am still on family vacation and not allowed to be online :-).
changed “cokernel” to “image” and added pointer to:
Jean Gallier, Tensor Algebras, Symmetric Algebras and Exterior Algebras [pdf], section 22 in: Notes on Differential Geometry and Lie Groups (2011)
Jean Gallier, Jocelyn Quaintance, Tensor Algebras and Symmetric Algebras, Ch 2 in: Differential Geometry and Lie Groups – A second course, Geometry and Computing 13, Springer (2020) [doi:10.1007/978-3-030-46047-1, webpage]
added pointer to:
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