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I tried to edit the entry double derivation and even if I write a single letter or none (!) it sends back an error
500 Internal Server Error
Your edit was blocked by spam filtering
Please report this on the nForum in the nLab Technical Matters category. Please give as precise details as you can as to what triggered the error.
nLab home page
Here is the error:
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - page_content/submitted_edits/nlab/double_derivation
etc. If I try to click on “discuss” button it does NOT open the latest changes page but just links to front page of nForum, not linked to a page.
Have been busy all day. Am forwarding this to the technical team now…
Unfortunately, it still seem to persist if I leave “Guccione” so I temporarily wrote G uccione with a space. Then it accepts.
One can work around this problem by escaping some html characters. For example:
Unfortunately, it still seem to persist if I leave “Guccione”
Right, I forgot to actually update the deployment. Should be fixed now.
7 thanks for the tip
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