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started to compile a list of references (here) on ∞-local systems in the sense of (∞,1)-vector bundles with flat ∞-connections.
(But I got interrupted all day, hope to add more tomorrow…)
added these pointers:
Bertrand Toën, Vers une interprétation galoisienne de la théorie de l’homotopie, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 43 4 (2002) 257-312 [numdam:CTGDC_2002__43_4_257_0]
Pietro Polesello, Ingo Waschkies, Higher monodromy, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 7 1 (2005) 109-150 [arXiv:0407507, eudml:51918]
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