Author: nLab edit announcer Format: MarkdownItexAdded a section about families of sets in dependent type theory
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v5</a>, <a href="">current</a>
Added a section about families of sets in dependent type theory
Author: nLab edit announcer Format: MarkdownItexadded link to family of subsets
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v7</a>, <a href="">current</a>
Author: Urs Format: MarkdownItexIn the second sentence, it has a preimage denoted "$p^*(k)$", which doesn't seem to typecheck. The usual notation would be "$p^{-1}\big(\{k\}\big)$".
The third sentence is a "let..."-clause which is missing its "then..." punchline.
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v8</a>, <a href="">current</a>
In the second sentence, it has a preimage denoted “p*(k)”, which doesn’t seem to typecheck. The usual notation would be “p−1({k})”.
The third sentence is a “let…”-clause which is missing its “then…” punchline.