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I have added some textbook references
and some historical references,
such as to von Neumann’s original definition of Hermitian forms (1930, 1932)
Von Neumann’s is the modern definition – was he the first to state it this way?
I gather from
that the concept is named after
but it is not easy to recognize a Hermitian form in there (admittedly, I have only scanned over the article, so far)
Similarly for
which may be the earliest coinage of the term “Hermitian form” (?)
I have now written out more text in the section on reagarding Hermitian/unitary complex modules as complex Euclidean/orthogonal “Real complex modules” internal to the category of real vector spaces with involutions.
Also adjusted some of the terminology, for better flow and thus renamed the sub-section:
added pointer to:
I see now that the embedding of fin-dim Hermitian spaces into self-dual -modules which I described (here) is essentially what is known in the context of Hermitian K-theory as the hyperbolic functor
Or rather, what I consider here is the hyperbolic functor equipped with -equivariance. I see now that this is known as establishing an equivalence between KR-theory and topological Hermitian K-theory.
The two references for this equivalences that I am (now) aware of (here) are:
both of which are rather terse, each in its own way.
So I am not surprised that my construction here is known, on the contrary, I was surprised that I couldn’t find something that elementary discussed in the literature. And with the above two references it still takes some squinting to see what’s going on.
added (here) statement and proof of a more pronounced way of phrasing the expression of Hermitian forms as inner products internal to Real vector bundles:
Passing a real inner product space equipped with an isometric complex structure through the equivalence of real vector spaces with Real vector bundles over the point yields the corresponding Hermitian form , as shown here.
added pointer to:
added pointer to:
We now have a (very) brief note on the story I was getting at above, at Quantum and Reality.
…interestingly tying the foundations of quantum theory to homotopy theory.
Interesting, indeed.
That point about the right 0-truncation of spectra being the heart, and
the proper notion that replaces -truncation in stable -categories are “t-structures”,
what happens next? Is it easy to say what these t-structures are for higher for say ?
Are you asking if there is a useful generalization of t-structures from 1- to -excisive functors?
I don’t know.
For some context, strangely I’m back to thinking about linear HoTT having the need to deal in my day job with bunched dependent types. So I gave a talk at the OASIS seminar in Oxford last week on it. I was just thinking that it’s odd that even when just dealing with finite dimensional Hilbert spaces in quantum computing that it’s worth treating them via a language that suited to parameterized spectra. But then one sees how important the larger context is with: groupoid dependence for topological protection; the -spectrum for density matrices; equivariance to avoid the dagger construction; etc.
So then I was wondering if we see some use for the bigger picture in this current case, e.g., if the heart corresponds to 0-truncation (so fin-dim Hilbert spaces for -modules), there might be some use for 1-truncated things. So presumably that would concerns parameterized spectra limited to dimensions and . Perhaps in the case of -modules a kind of 2-vector space, such as the Baez-Crans form?
The role of “higher quantum state space” that I am aware of so far is intermediate – they appear as an intermediate step in the construction of anyon state spaces in the main theorem of Topological Quantum Gates in Homotopy Type Theory.
In the main formula there, (224) p. 76, inside the 0-truncation we have the “higher complex lines” , playing the role of something like higher prequantum line bundles for the anyons — the formula constructs the space of sections of these and in the end 0-truncates it all to retain a bundle of ordinary vector spaces – the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov bundle of conformal blocks, being the Hilbert spaces for -anyons.
Even if just intermediate, the higher state spaces here are absolutely crucial for the construction. That’s why we write, in the abstract and introduction of the article, something to the extent that topological quantum computing may be the first real-world use case of higher homotopy computing.
I see Quantum and Reality explicitly speaks of those “higher quantum state spaces”
While higher structures are profoundly interesting – and while we have here at our fingertips a definition of higher “(∞,1)-Hilbert spaces” (of finite type) which is worth exploring further – for the scope of this note we want to restrict attention to ordinary quantum state spaces.
On a separate (or not so separate) note, if the constructions of this paper are such as to “absorb the dagger-structure into the type structure”, is there a (related) strategy for this in the case of other appearances of dagger-structure? Could it be that some kind of -equivariant approach would allow us to avoid any explicit appeal to dagger-structure?
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