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There’s a recent article
I see ’logic circuit’ is a redirect for this page, logic gate. Do logic circuits and digital circuits coincide?
A circuit is that which is composed out of gates.
Eventually there should be a page for each, like there is a page quantum gate distinct from quantum circuit.
Yes, but what work does ’digital’ do as a qualifier? Is it synonymous with ’logic’?
Oh, now I understand what you mean.
Myself, I would say “digital circuit” should refer to “logic circuit acting on state spaces of bits, namely on finite sets of the form {0,1}N”.
The authors you quote say on p. 2:
To be more precise, by ‘digital circuits’ we primarily understand electronic circuits formed of logical gates and basic memory elements such as latches or D flip-flops of known and fixed delays.
But later on p. 3-4 they seem to make a definition of “circuits” involving states forming any finite set 𝒱. (Not entirely clear to me from first reading – for instance Def.3 seems not to actually depend on the choice of 𝒱.)
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