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Added transport as an example of an inductively defined function, and added a link to natural deduction
moved information on inductive definitions in type theory over to inductive definition
The notion of definitional equality should be about syntactical expressions, where we define a syntactical expression to be another syntactical expression. In this sense, it should have more in common with alpha equivalence than computational equality. For example, we should be able to define the symbol Ξ as the context (Γ,a:A), Ξ≡(Γ,a:A)ctx. Currently, definitional equality is only defined for types and terms.
Johannes Schmidt
At the end of the Idea-paragraph (here) it would be good to mention more typical examples of “definitions”, and how they fit in, for instance the definitions of “groups”, “algebras”, “modules”, etc.
I guess you will mean to say that these fall under the second clause of “definition via equality with an existing type”, in that they can be defined to be certain iterated dependent products. But this would be great to make explicit.
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