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Added a pointer to Mitchell’s re-write of Kenzo in Haskell:
I have worked on the formatting. Please have a look to see if anything further needs adjustment.
Some hints on formatting with our software here:
For in-line verbatim rendering: enclose in single inverted commas.
For displayed verbatim rendering such as for code snippets: indent by 5+ whitespaces.
For hierarchically typeset headers: type “## Top level header
” then “### Second level header
”, and so on.
Examples can be enclosed in “\begin{example}...\end{example}
”, etc.
Besides the formatting, your text may deserve some adjustment, too. A few phrases seem out of place or at least out of context, such as
“warning hasn’t compiled” (twice)
“In this version of Kenzo…” (which version? and why is this in a begin_quote
-environment? maybe this could just be deleted)
“This looks like a 2-sphere to me” (what is the reader to make of this comment?)
“Do it as exercise! .. Answer on page 14.” (either add proper context or delete)
Now that I write this, and looking over the entire addition, I am not sure how useful this can really be to readers in this form. Maybe it would be more useful to point readers dirctly to an actual Kenzo manual. I have added now to the entry more explicit pointer to www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~sergerar/Kenzo/Kenzo-doc.pdf.
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