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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2022
    • (edited Nov 20th 2022)

    added pointer also to this recent review in a popular magazine, which is well-informed about the contested status of the “island conjecture”:

    • Nirmalya Kajuri, Of Islands, Holograms and Saving Quantum Physics From a Black Hole Paradox, Science – The Wire (Nov 2022)

      […] a few sceptics have argued that while the calculations are correct, they don’t help resolve the black hole information-loss paradox. The troubles stem from the reservoir attached to the anti-de Sitter universe. The physicists who authored the island papers assumed that gravity stopped at the boundary of the anti-de Sitter space and didn’t enter the reservoir. This is not an innocuous assumption. […] The key takeaway is that the island way to recover information and save unitarity works perfectly well – if you slightly modify Einstein’s theory of gravity. These criticisms have been around for some two years now, and physicists are yet to resolve them in print. […] physicists continue to publish papers by the hundreds about the entanglement islands but few attempt to answer whether the islands are compatible with the Einsteinian gravity of our universe. […]

    I think i will create an include-file now for these references, so that it will be easier to sync with other entrties, such as Bekenstein-Hawking entropy:

    diff, v8, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2022

    Does the conjecture also assume that the underlying spacetime is anti-de Sitter, or have they managed to generalize it to Minkowski and de Sitter spacetimes as well?

    James Baker

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2022


    The only recent work I am aware of on Minkowski spacetime CFT is the celestial holography program, which isn’t developed enough to prove stuff about black holes, let alone the existence of entanglement islands in the theory.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2022

    Just to add that the deSitter case has been getting at least nominal attention, starting already with the original articles (p. 46).

    But one could argue that as long as even the AdS case remains substantially contested, it seems moot to venture into less secure territory still.