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I put back a little bit of that box, with something approaching mathematical content. If you think that even that bit is useless, then feel free to take it out again. But if David is correct to say ‘One could write Y⫽X for this nerve’ (which is what I made him say now), then that ought to be in the article somewhere.
Edited a bit, incorporating the comment, and Ben’s reply, into the dot points. I deleted the box again.
Okay, great. Unfortunately I see “One could write Y [little box containing the characters 2, 0, E, B arranged in a square] X for this nerve”, which makes me say to myself, “Yeah, one could write that…”
Well, that’s why the Lab page also says that you could write Y//X instead, if you can’t see the proper version.
It’s all a question of which fonts you have installed. The character is there, and …
… now that I look at it, it doesn’t look like it is the correct character after all! U+20EB is a combining character, and the correct character is U+2AFD. So this is a bug in iTeX.
Can you see this, John and David? (It is the correct character, put in by hand, so with the wrong spacing.)
I see a little box with a 2 A F D in it.
I see dead people.. :P I mean, I just see a gap. But then, I’m at work, on crusty old Firefox 3.0.1 I was mystified earlier, when I thought Toby was trying to say I could just write YX, but soon realised when I was editing.
Depending on the computer I use, I see all kinds of things: blank spaces, boxes like John, and double slashes.
By the way, Jacques has fixed the iTeX bug that renders \slash
as one character that y’all can’t see instead of another, correct character that y’all can’t see, although it hasn’t propagated to us yet.
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