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A generalization of Waldhausen K-theory to dualizable dg-categories and dualizable stable ∞-categories.
For compactly generated inputs, recovers the Waldhausen K-theory of the full subcategory of compact objects.
The formalism is applicable to λ-presentable stable ∞-categories, where λ can be uncountable (for example, various categories of sheaves, or categories occurring in functional analysis).
Alexander Efimov, On the K-theory of large triangulated categories, ICM 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUDeLo9JTro
Marc Hoyois, K-theory of dualizable categories (after A. Efimov), https://hoyois.app.uni-regensburg.de/papers/efimov.pdf.
Li He, Efimov K-theory and universal localizing invariant, arXiv:2302.13052.
according to the pdf itself, Nikolaus is not the only author:
Re #3: It’s a course by Thomas Nikolaus. But probably both should be listed as authors of lecture notes, since this is what is being cited.
and will add to his page.
Interesting, the analogy he describes between dualizable categories and compact Hausdorff spaces in Appendix F.
I see Efimov has a typo in his title. Assuming he’ll fix this soon, I’ll change it.
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