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I’d like to boost the GAGA-related stuff on the nLab a bit. So far I have
at GAGA itself:
polished the Idea-section just a tad
started a subsection “Theorems”, currently it only points to comparison theorem (étale cohomology) (which has been existing for a while) and Chow’s theorem (which is a stub I just created)
added a pointer to Jean-Pierre Demailly, Analytic methods in algebraic geometry, lecture notes 2009 (pdf)
At analytic space, in the Idea-section, I tried to bring the point out more clearly by expanding slight. Now it reads as such:
Analytic spaces are spaces that are locally modeled on formal duals of sub-algebras of power series algebras on elements with certain convergence properties with respect to given seminorms. This is in contrast to algebraic spaces (algebraic varieties, schemes) where no convergence properties are considered
In complex analytic geometry analytic spaces – complex analytic space – are a vast generalization of complex analytic manifolds and are usually treated in the formalism of locally ringed spaces. In this case the GAGA-principle closely relates complex analytic geometry with algebraic geometry over the complex numbers.
I’ve been also cross-linking a bit further. More needs to be done here.
added under “Theorems” also a pointer to analytification and added the references discussing GAGA in higher geometry (stacks)
{#Lurie04} Jacob Lurie, Tannaka duality for geometric stacks, (arXiv:math.AG/0412266)
{#Hall11} Jack Hall, Generalizing the GAGA Principle (arXiv:1101.5123)
{#GeraschenkoZureickBrown12} Anton Geraschenko, David Zureick-Brown, Formal GAGA for good moduli spaces (arXiv:1208.2882)
This is in contrast to algebraic spaces (algebraic varieties, schemes) where no convergence properties are considered
This is quite a nonsense. In algebraic geometry one has regular, thus polynomial function, hence they do converge. But one can consider formal spaces, like formal schemes, formal stacks…then one has formal power series without convergence and for them a similar statement makes sense. The present one should be removed.
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