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weirdly, this page never linked to simplicial groupoid. I am adjusting a little…
added missing pointer to:
Mostly as a reminder to myself: Want to add a remark that the model structure on simplicial groupoids is cartesian monoidal.
Namely the preservation of (acyclic) injections under pushout-product is essentially inherited from sSetQu, and only that freeness condition on the codomain needs to be argued. But it should be exactly the pushout property of the domain which should ensure that its image in the codomain does not exceed the given basis morphisms.
Something like this. Will make a note later, need to go offline now.
added pointer to:
[edit: Hm, the definition of the functor “UG” on p. 4 is lacking statement of the free generation.]
added missing cross-link with the model structure on sSet-categories
and added (here) statement of the evident Quillen adjunction
sSet-GrpdDKF⟵⊥Qu↪ιsSet-CatBerg.I have made explicit (here) a corollary of Minichiello, Rivera & Zeinalian (2023), namely that the composite
sSet-GrpdDKF⟵⊥Qu↪ιsSet-Catℭ⟵⊥⟶NsSetKQis a Quillen adjunction with respect to the Kan-Quillen model structure on sSet.
added pointer to:
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