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The Schouten bracket on multivector fields is the unuque (up to a multiplication by a constant) natural operation
[X1∧⋯∧Xk,Y1∧⋯∧Yl]=∑i,j(−1)i+j[Xi,Yj]∧X1∧⋯ˆXi⋯∧Xk∧Y1∧⋯ˆYj⋯∧Yl.For multivector fields regarded as “antifields” in BV-BRST formalism, the Schouten bracket is called the antibracket.
Jan Schouten, Über Differentialkonkomitanten zweier kontravarianten Grössen, Indagationes Mathematicae 2 (1940), 449–452.
Jan Schouten, On the differential operators of the first order in tensor calculus, In: Convegno Int. Geom. Diff. Italia. (1953), 1–7.
Albert Nijenhuis, Jacobi-type identities for bilinear differential concomitants of certain tensor fields I, Indagationes Mathematicae 17 (1955), 390–403. doi:10.1016/S1385-7258(55)50054-0.
Wjhat do you mean by natural “operation” in 1 ? The link points to natural bundle and here you talk about a morphism of spaces of sections, do you mean induced map on sections by natural transformation among natural bundles viewed as functors ? What are the exact requirements and which reference proves it ?
Re #3: The requirements are listed in the references at natural bundle. The book by Ivan Kolář, Peter Michor, Jan Slovák has details. Basically, it is a natural transformation of sheaves over the site of smooth families of manifolds: objects are submersions T→U, morphisms are commutative squares that are fiberwise open embeddings, and covering families are given by families inducing an open cover on T.
so let’s add the reference for this fact:
Suppose P∈Γ(Λ2TM). The the bracket {f,g}=⟨df∧dg,P⟩ satisfies the Jacobi identity (and hence is a Poisson bracket) if and only if [P,P]=0.
A coordinate-free treatment is given in
Textbook account: Chapter 33.2 of
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