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  1. adding fact that one can no longer edit the wiki as “Anonymous”


    diff, v45, current

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2023
    • (edited Jun 5th 2023)

    I have (renamed this entry from “AnonymousCoward”to “Anonymous User”) and then rewritten it from scratch.

    Currently the content reads as follows:

    Many edits to the nLab are anonymous and/or signed by pseudonyms.


    In choosing a name with which to sign their edits on the nnLab, users are free to pick almost any string of characters and without providing any justification. In this sense all user accounts are de facto anonymous: Even if signed with what may look like the name of an existing person there are no checks in place to associate any edit with any existing person.

    (This policy is clearly both convenient for users as well as somewhat risky for the nnLab community: We rely on users not to abuse this liberty.)

    Indeed, in the practice of editing the nnLab, the point of signing edits with a string of characters (a “name”) is not to identify a legal person behind that name (though that is, of course, for many users a desired side effect) but rather: To allow relating edits that come from the same source, in order to facilitate communicating about edits (such as on the nForum).

    Therefore we kindly ask all users to choose a unique pseudonym for signing their edits and stick to using it consistently, as far as reasonable. That pseudonym might be the name which you read in your passport (we wouldn’t know, either way) or it might be any other string of characters which you fancy (we are relying on users’ decency to choose reasonable handles), where the main point in the actual practice of communicating about nnLab edits is just that: it be unique.

    In other words, we don’t care who you are elsewhere, but we like to know you as the nnLab contributor that you are, hence, if you will, as the scholarly persona which is embodied by the collection of your nLab edits.

    Finally, people who deeply care about their edits being unrelatable to their whereabouts should know that every editor's IP address is (usually) listed in the entry’s history (found by clicking history at the bottom of any page).

    In practice

    In short, please choose a unique identifiable pseudonym with which to sign your edits.

    In the past

    From its inception up to some ago years the nLab software would offer the string “AnonymousCoward” as the default for filling in the “Submit as…”-field. Eventually we found this was too condescending (though in hindsight there may have been some value to it) and then changed the default to “Anonymous”.

    This worked fine until yet a few years later there occurred a sudden flood of edits of apparently (but who knows) multiple users who all signed with the exact same string “Anonymous” and most of whose edits were of decidedly low quality and kept needing intervention from regulars. But the real problem was these users would not react to commentary which their edits received on the nForum. Therefore, the only way we saw left to handle this problem was to try and block the string “Anonymous”. Remarkably enough, that was sufficient to stop the rogue editor(s).

    This is why currently the nLab software will not allow you to sign with that exact string of characters. Notice that any variant of “Anonymous” still works.

    So if you do insist on using something like “Anonymous” as your signature, you may regard it as a minimalistic CAPTCHA that you have to be able to find and choose a variant of that character string. But in the interest of the nLab project, it would be helpful if you solved a slighly more ambitious CAPTCHA and chose a pseudonym which is not just a small variant of “Anonymous”. Thanks!

    diff, v46, current

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2023

    as of a minute ago, the same comments regarding the string “Anonymous” now also apply to “Guest”.

    If that was your edit signature, please choose another one, going forward!

    diff, v48, current