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In the latest revision to #20, Amélia Liao has replaced ’comodale’ by ’comodule’ several times, assuming it to be a typo I imagine.
At the moment ’modale’ is a redirect for modal type.
lens (in computer science) has the terms ’modales’ and ’comodales’, but has them point to module over a monad and comodule over a comonad.
It’s not a typo.
The monad modules are its modal types.
monoidmodulemonadmodaltheorymodelIt’s not a typo.
Of course, I got that. I’m pointing out that the message hasn’t got across, and someone has taken it upon themselves to change what you’d written.
I’m also pointing out that the nLab isn’t helping someone to get this new terminology as nowhere does it explain it.
And now to confuse further, there’s an ’e’ left out at the crucial place:
monoidmodulemonadmodaltheorymodelActually I had hyperlinked “comodale” to coalgebra over a comonad also in this entry here, my latest version is revision 19
So revert to revision 19 to undo Amélia’s changes?
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