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Have been polishing and expanding the first part of invariant polynomial.
spelled out in hopefully pedagogical detail at invariant polynomial in the section On Lie algebras the proof that the definition given there (closed elements in shifted generators inthe Weil algebra) is equivalent to the traditional one
At invariant polynomial had been missing a definition of the notion of equivalence of invariant polynomials on L∞-algebras that are not Lie algebras (where the notion does not play much of a role). I have added that into the Definition-section and then started adding to the Examples- and Properties-section a discusison on how this produces the expected behaviour that for
bn−1ℝ→𝔤μ→𝔤a shifted central extension of L∞-algebras induced from a transgressive cocycle μ:𝔤→bnℝ transgressing to ⟨−⟩μ, the invariant polynomials of 𝔤μ are generated from the generators of those of 𝔤 except ⟨−⟩μ.
added in a new subsection on reductive Lie algebras the statement that the invariant polynomials there form a free graded algebra on the indecomposables
added pointer to the original references by Weil, Cartan and Chern (same original references that are now at Chern-Weil homomorphism)
added pointer to:
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