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Moved material about elements of the final coalgebra of the endofunctor X↦1+A×X from stream to cofree coalgebra
Thomas Wilson
The revision is incorrect. While ℕ-indexed sequences are indeed streams, finite sequences are streams too.
The operational property of a stream is that either:
Additionally, I’m skeptical that making this an example at cofree coalgebra is a better place for this content than the stream page.
(the actual transplant that was performed is clearly wrong, but I think that even if it was modified to just make it an example over on the other page, the move didn’t really make sense)
As I asked in the nForum discussion thread
does anybody have any references in the published literature of the usage of the word “stream” for the terminal coalgebra of either X↦A×X or X↦1+A×X?
Judging by the reactions of other members of the nLab I highly suspect that both definitions are used in the literature for different purposes, but neither are cited on this page.
Re #4: Corollary 2.3.6 in a forthcoming book by Jacobs: https://web.archive.org/web/20230718110329/https://www.cs.ru.nl/B.Jacobs/CLG/JacobsCoalgebraIntro.pdf.
Re #4: Also this original paper: https://research.vu.nl/files/2409636/219599.pdf.
Forthcoming? I think it’s many years old, haha
Published in 2016 by the Cambridge University Press:
B. Jacobs, Introduction to Coalgebra. Towards Mathematics of States and Observations. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016.
Adding another reference of streams of A being used as the terminal coalgebra of X↦A×X:
Completing the reference information:
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