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created split hypercover
In this sentence:
Regard U∈C under the Yoneda embedding as an object U∈[Cop,sSet]proj,loc. Then a morphism (Y→X)∈[Cop,sSet] is a split hypercover of X if
should X=U?
Yes, thanks. I have fixed it.
I rewrote hypercover. The previous version had been by me long time ago, and it didn’t really cut it. So I removed it and wrote it afresh.
Urs, when do you find time to sleep?
Urs, when do you find time to sleep?
Ah, you noticed. I did wake up in the middle of the night today, apparently because I am after all a little bit excited, too: in two hours is the defense of Herman Stel’s master thesis, and while I had helped advise master theses before, this one is the first one where I suggested topic and line of attack. So I feel a bit responsible.
I didn’t quit know this myself until I woke up at 5:30 tonight finding myself think about a lemma of the thesis involving the homology of hypercovers. ;-)
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