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Created page for BO(n), the classifying space of the orthogonal group O(n). (See discussion on Stiefel-Whitney class.) There is still a lot to add though.
Edit: Accidently pushed the same message again. There seem to be some render issues needing to be fixed. Edit: They are fixed now.
In the first sentence I have added a parenthetical making it read:
BO(n) is the classifying space for (principal bundles with structure group) the orthogonal group O(n).
Changed “limit” to “colimit” and added stable orthogonal group like on BU(n).
Added the simplest classifying space BO(1)≅ℝP∞ and its classification of O(1) principal bundles. (A section about the general classification will follow soon.) Also linked the Wikipedia page Classifying space for O(n).
Edit: As a link including “)” can’t be linked due to disrupting the
environment, I have created a redirect from “Classifying space for orthogonal group”.
Added reference for definition in Milnor & Stasheff. Added connection to characteristic classes. (I plan to create the page for balanced product in the future.) Also linked pages of BSO(n) and BSU(n), which I will create either today or tomorrow.
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