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I have added more hyperlinks to the first sentence.
By the way, for pointing to anchors in another page, such as
[Betti realization](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/motivic+homotopy+theory#RealizationFunctors)
you can omit the domain- and top path name and just type
[Betti realization](motivic+homotopy+theory#RealizationFunctors)
Wouldn’t it be better to call this -equivariant? Or rather why are these called rather than ?
The notation “” is used both for (prime) cyclic groups as well for rings of -adic numbers.
For that reason, fields that use both of these notions (such as algebraic topology) tend to disambiguate by using other notation for the cyclic groups.
Which makes sense, because the canonical notation for the cyclic group as a quotient is rather “” anyways, and since “C” works well for “cyclic”.
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