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Created stub for Wu manifold, which is now linked on rational homology sphere.
Added another important property of the Wu manifold: It allows a spin^h structure, but no spin^c strucutre.
Added cohomology groups (with coefficients in ℤ2) and the Wu manifold generating the oriented bordism ring ΩSO5≅ℤ2 together with two references. Linked new english Wikipedia page. (The german Wikipedia page is now also available.)
Added some properties of the Wu manifold. So far, I have no references for them yet, but Diarmuid Crowley (whose 5-manifolds: 1-connected I’ve already added in the references) told them to me in person, when he visited the University of Augsburg on Monday.
Also replaced “spin^h” and “spin^c” by “spinʰ” and “spinᶜ”, see discussion here.
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