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I filled in content at n-truncated object of an (infinity,1)-category.
to go with my discussion with David Roberts. I had planned to go further and also write the entry on Postnikov twoers, but got distracted all day.
Apart from that I just added this link to Higher Topos Theory and did some editing there, added a table of contents, expanded the floating toc.
To David:
I am on the train now, offline. Will try to write the corresponding entry on n-connected objects in an (oo,1)-category/topos, from Lurie's section 6 or-what-is-it.
I am hoping we can use that then to say precisely what "Whitehead tower in Lie oo-groupoids" is.
tried to polish the entry n-truncated object of an (infinity,1)-category a bit. In particular I tried to work out better (and correctly) how n-truncation relates to categorical homotopy groups.
cross-linked the entries
added a bit more to the Properties section
added Examples
Lots of room to polish/expand this further, but I need to run now.
I found it: n-truncated object of an (infinity,1)-category. Now there is a redirect.
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