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i polished the definition in bundle gerbe and then reorganized the former material on “Interpretations” in a new section
that first shows how to get a shifted central extension of groupoids form the bundle gerbe, and then demonstrates that this is the total space of a principal 2-bundle
added to bundle gerbe more details on the proof of the fact that the bundle gerbe is the pullback
P(Y,L,μ)→EBU(1)↓↓C(U)μ→B2U(1)↓≃Xadded two examples to bundle gerbe:
group extensions (=equivariant bundle gerbes over the point)
the construction of the “tautological bundle gerbe” from an integral closed 3-form on a simply connected manifold
I have added a pointer to the 1997 article by Gajer to bundle gerbe, bundle 2-gerbe and circle n-bundle with connection, where bundle n-gerbes for all n pretty explicitly as Bn+1U(1)-bundles (also with connection) is given.
added pointer to:
added pointer to
started (here) compiling a list with references on equivariant bundle gerbes.
(Will probably create a new entry equivariant infinity-bundle and copy this over to there, too.)
an earlier discussion of general equivariant bundle gerbes (verbalized as Deligne cocycles):
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