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Used unicode subscripts for indices of exceptional Lie groups including title and links. When not linked, usual formulas are used. See discussion here. Links will be re-checked after all titles have been changed. (Removed two redirects for “E10” from the top and added one for “E10” at the bottom of the page.)
I am looking for a 527-dimensional irrep of K(E10). Does any exist?
There is a mentioning of a would-be K(E10)-rep of this dimension on. p. 37 in arXiv:hep-th/0606105 — but I don’t understand the commentary there yet, maybe it says that such a rep might naively be expected but does not actually exist.(?)
And then there is a coset space of Weyl algebras W(DE10)/W(E10) claimed to have 527 elements claimed on p. 54 of arXiv:hep-th/0409037, where the number 527 arises by the same combinatorial formula (on p. 55) that makes me look for a rep of that dimension — but I don’t know if any of this has directly to do with a rep of K(E10). (?)
[edit: Re-reading the latter reference, I think they are saying that the known irrep 32∈Rep(K(E10)) does have symmetric square 32⊗sym32≃1⊕527 (which is all I’d be asking for), just that the fermionic constraints 𝒮 considered in the article do not actually transform in 32 (which I dont’ currently care about). So it looks like this answers my question. But it would still be nice to have a more explicit reference. ]
added pointer to today’s
In the course of this I re-grouped all the previous related article to a new References-subsection E10 – References – Phenomenology
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