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Used unicode subscripts for indices of exceptional Lie groups including title and links. When not linked, usual formulas are used. See discussion here. Links will be re-checked after all titles have been changed. (Removed two redirects for “E10” from the top and added one for “E10” at the bottom of the page.)
I am looking for a 527-dimensional irrep of . Does any exist?
There is a mentioning of a would-be -rep of this dimension on. p. 37 in arXiv:hep-th/0606105 — but I don’t understand the commentary there yet, maybe it says that such a rep might naively be expected but does not actually exist.(?)
And then there is a coset space of Weyl algebras claimed to have 527 elements claimed on p. 54 of arXiv:hep-th/0409037, where the number 527 arises by the same combinatorial formula (on p. 55) that makes me look for a rep of that dimension — but I don’t know if any of this has directly to do with a rep of . (?)
[edit: Re-reading the latter reference, I think they are saying that the known irrep does have symmetric square (which is all I’d be asking for), just that the fermionic constraints considered in the article do not actually transform in (which I dont’ currently care about). So it looks like this answers my question. But it would still be nice to have a more explicit reference. ]
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