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In fact, the previous statement about Borel constructions (from revision 3 in 2015) seems to be not even wrong to me, even with the notation fixed. (For the trivial G-action it’s true, if one also specifies that the G-permutation action is the trivial one on the singleton, but that case is besides the point of wreath products.)
So I have deleted it. But let me know if I am missing something.
Instead I have added (as this example) the statement that
π1(Xn⫽Sym(n))≃π1(X)≀Sym(n),which is possibly what the original author actually had in mind.
Also added a more straightforward formulation of the definition.
Kept the previous version, equipped now with a pointer to Holland 1989, who puts it that way.
added pointer to:
and finally I added what I actually came for to this entry, namely references on the representation theory of wreath products with symmetric groups:
Gordon D. James, Adalbert Kerber: Representations of Wreath Products, Chapter 4 of: The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group, Cambridge University Press (1984) [doi:10.1017/CBO9781107340732]
I. A. Pushkarev: On the representation theory of wreath products of finite groups and symmetric groups, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 96 (1999) 3590–3599 [doi:10.1007/BF02175835]
originally in: Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial and algorithmic methods. Part II, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI 240, POMI, St. Petersburg (1997) 229–244 [mathnet:znsl475]
Namely, I want to understand the representation theory of ℤk≀Sym(n). But not tonight, have an early flight tomorrow morning…
Just found this, which is a similar story to what I am after:
On wreath products of a cyclic with a symmetric group as analogs of (anyon) braid groups in dimension >2:
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