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Mechanically, what you’re describing is, given a category C, a way to (simultaneously) construct a new category D along with a faithful functor D→C. Right? Albeit with the restriction that it’s a literal injection on hom-sets.
So, the idea is that “extra structure” can be conceived of as the objects of D being the pair of an object of C together with a choice of ’structure’ on that object (and then we abstract further and just allow Ob(D) to be an abstract set), right? Maybe it’s because I’m sleepy, but I feel like the abstract is very confusing on this point. Maybe starting off by talking about the “structure of a category” using the same word in a different way is throwing me off, setting me up to misunderstand the next paragraph?
You understand what I’m trying to do very well. It can probably be explained better. If you feel like you can make the abstract clearer, you’re welcome to modify it! I’m going to try to replace the expression “structure of category” by something else.
I made this change. I think it’s a bit less confusing now.
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