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a bare list of references, to be !include
-ed into the References-sections of relevant entries (such as at anyons and at topological order)
The list means to bring out the wide-spread consideration, in theoretical articles, of anyons whose positions in real space vary on a torus (or even higher genus surfaces) instead of a plane – an assumption that is necessary for many of the intended theoretical conclusions to be valid, but rather dubious as an assumption about actual physical systems (away from simulation).
The preprint by Gaiotto & Johnson-Freyd at the end is one of the few places that I am aware of where this assumption is questioned, and I included a couple of paragraphs of quote.
(This all in preparation for an article pointing out that anyonic states can in principle be localized also in more abstract spaces than “position space”, some of which are naturally toroidal, such as the case of reciprocal momentum space for which I took the liberty of pointing to our existing 2206.13563.)
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