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On the page “ind-object in an (infinity,1)-category” there’s a section “In terms of formal colimits” which is left as a stub with “(… should be made more precise…)”. Does anyone know if this has been made precise anywhere, in any model of (∞,1)-categories? I’ve only ever seen colimit completions of (∞,1)-categories defined in terms of presheaves. In general it’s harder to give “objects & morphisms” definitions of (∞,1)-categories.
For what it’s worth, I consider the presheaf version to be precisely the way to make it more precise; you can easily verify that it has the right hom-spaces:
ˆC(colimiC(−,Fi),colimjC(−,Gj))≃limiˆC(C(−,Fi),colimjC(−,Gj))≃limicolimjC(Fi,Gj)Maybe it would be more interesting to identify ˆC as a localization of (∞,1)Cat/C (namely the right fibrations) so that the objects have a more direct interpretation as diagrams?
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