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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorTim_Porter
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2010

    In case you have not noticed this from the Cat bull board.

    We are glad to announce the workshop “logic, categories, semantics” to be held in Bordeaux on November 12-13


    Michele Abrusci (Università di Roma tre) Nicholas Asher (CNRS, IRIT, Toulouse) Pierre Cartier (IHES, Orsay) Dion Coumans / Mai Gehrke (Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen) Jean-Yves Girard (CNRS, IML, Marseille) François Lamarche (INRIA, LORIA, Nancy) Paul-André Melliès (CNRS, PPS, Paris) Michael Moortgat (Universiteit Utrecht) Carl Pollard (Ohio State University, Columbus) Anne Preller (LIRMM, Université de Montpellier) Thomas Streicher (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Steve Vickers (University of Birmingham)

    Topic of the workshop

    The relationship between logic and category theory goes back to the seventies, with the important connection between intuitionistic logic, sheaves and topoi (1) but it extended into other directions, in particular the proof as morphisms semantics (2), and we also include the study of proof normalisation (3). Ideally, the workshop will consider the three levels of foundations , according to the terminology of Jean-Yves Girard, as well as their mutual relationships.

    These structures provide models of computation but also models of meaning organisation des lexemes, phrases, sentences, discourses and dialogues: we do not exclude the first application, but we shall privilege the linguistic application which is quite new, although Joachim Lambek suggested to do so more than twenty years ago.

    Jean Gillibert, Christian Retoré