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added to Chern-Simons element in the section Standard Chern-Simons form a detailed pedestrian proof of how the standard Chern-Simons 3-form is reproduced from this machinery.
I have been working on the entry Chern-Simons element.
The material that had been scattered in between after the definition and before the Examples-section I have put now into a new single subsection
and then I added there a discussion
This are effectively my talk notes for tomorrow. It is meant to indicate how the concrete construction in the subsection following it,
is a presentation by an ∞-anafunctor of a nice canonical general abstract entity. But towards the end of that last subsection I have been running out of steam.
What energy I have left I might spend on polishing some of the examples-sections now.
I have added to Chern-Simons element the dicussion and proof of the general formula for CS-elements of quadratic invariant polynomials for general L∞-algebras: in a new section Properties – Canonical CS-elements
I have stream-lined that discussion a little bit (here).
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