Author: John Baez Format: MarkdownItexAdded more general modern statement of Hilbert 90.
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v6</a>, <a href="">current</a>
Added more general modern statement of Hilbert 90.
Author: Urs Format: MarkdownItexMoved the Theorem-environment out of the References-section into the "Statement"-section.
Also made a bunch of cosmetic edits to the previous material.
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v7</a>, <a href="">current</a>
Moved the Theorem-environment out of the References-section into the “Statement”-section.
Also made a bunch of cosmetic edits to the previous material.
Author: J-B Vienney Format: MarkdownItexAdded in the references a paper proving Hilbert's Theorem 90 in a symmetric monoidal category.
<a href="">diff</a>, <a href="">v9</a>, <a href="">current</a>
Added in the references a paper proving Hilbert’s Theorem 90 in a symmetric monoidal category.