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In discrete fibration I added a new section on the Street’s definition of a discrete fibration from A to B, that is the version for spans of internal categories. I do not really understand this added definition, so if somebody has comments or further clarifications…
The extra condition just means that the actions of A and B on the fibers of C commute with each other up to isomorphism.
I changed the commutative diagram for discrete fibration. The previous one was for a discrete opfibration. (I changed d0 do d1).
I went and undid that, since it should be d0. Sorry- was mixing up d0 and d1 in my head, thinking d1 was “target”.
David. been there done that, perhaps someone should produce a T-shirt! ;-)
Thanks for adding references!
I am copying every reference also to all its author-pages, now for example here.
added pointer to:
\begin{theorem} (Moser–Sarazola, Theorem 2.18.) Suppose C is a category. The slice category Cat/C admits a combinatorial model structure with the following properties. * Cofibrations are functors that are injective on objects. * Trivial fibrations are isomorphisms. * Fibrant objects are discrete fibrations P→C. * Weak equivalences are given by morphisms whose fibrant replacement is a trivial fibration, i.e., an isomorphism. * Fibrant replacement is induced by the weak factorization system cofibrantly generated by the morphisms 1:[0]→[1], [1]⊔[0][1][1]→[1] mapping to C in an arbitrary way. \end{theorem}
\begin{theorem} (Moser–Sarazola, Theorem 3.9.) Suppose C is a category. There is a Quillen equivalence
Cat/C⇄Fun(Cop,Set),where Cat/C is equipped with a model structure for discrete fibrations, Fun(Cop,Set) is equipped with the projective model structure (weak equivalences are isomorphisms; cofibrations and fibrations are all maps), the right adjoint Fun(Cop,Set)→Cat/C is given by the category of elements construction, and the left adjoint adds formal strict base changes to a fibration in order to a get a strict presheaf of sets. \end{theorem}
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