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started to (re)structure the entry higher category theory roughly along the lines of the new structure at category theory. But for the moment many sections just contain link lists.
Seems to me equally contentious to remove it. It’s easier to forget than to remember, way back, John Roberts introduced ω-categories for purposes of AQFT (see here).
Many people developed their theory with regard to purely categorical aspects or to links with topology or algebraic geometry. There were several breakthroughs, one being from earlier with Boardman and Vogt, followed on by Cordier with weak Kan complexes and, of course, Street’s orientals were important and owed inspiration to John Roberts. The page you link to, Urs, makes the point about Ronnie’s work, but all the work by researchers such as Batanin, Makkai, Lenster, Cheng, Verity, Joyal, is independent of TQFT ideas and even John Baez and Jim Dolan is only distantly linked to extended QFTs. The homotopy hypothesis etc dates from interpretations of Grothendieck’s pursuing stacks which was a very important input to the development. I am not suggesting there was no link with TQFTs merely that very few of those people I mention and who were very important in the development of the theory of higher categories, would have mentioned extended TQFTs as a dominant inspiration. John Roberts work was very important as motivation for Ross Street, but mostly because of the link with non-Abelian cohomology. Much later, of course, Lurie worked both on quasi-categories and on cobordisms but that was not an early motivation.
The wording that Tim removed seemed inoffensive to me, but if the problem was with “to a large extent”, then I think “one of the driving forces” would be a reasonable replacement (and incontestable I believe).
Other driving forces could be added in as one sees fit.
Agreed with “one of the driving forces”.
I’m ok with that.
Might have been a side-wide programmatic edit via a script that messed things up.
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